Creating a post series

Published: Oct 30, 2021 by Toru Kurahashi

Bulma Clean Theme Series

This post is part of a series all about Bulma Clean Theme.

Getting Started

Advanced Features

From version 0.12, you can now make a post a part of a series of posts, linking to the other posts in the series, by creating a series data file and then setting the series in each of the post’s front matter.

The current post in the list is highlighted to help give context of where you are in the series.

Blog Series Data File

Start by creating a yml file in the _data directory, for example my_blog_series.yml. Give the series a title and, optionally, a description.


Next add sections. Each section can have a label (optional) and items. Each item is the title of an existing blog post. If the title is not found then the link will be empty.

If you just want one list without labels, then omit the label and just add the items.

title: The series title
  - items:
      - title: Why use a static site generator
      - title: Getting started with Bulma Clean Theme for Jekyll

Here is a full example with multiple sections with labels.

title: The series title
description: The series description text
  - label: The first section
      - title: Why use a static site generator
      - title: Getting started with Bulma Clean Theme for Jekyll
  - label: Another section
      - title: Introducing some new layouts to Bulma Clean Theme
      - title: Creating a docs site with Bulma Clean Theme
      - title: Creating a post series

Update your posts

Finally, add the series setting to your front matter in each post you want the series to show in.

series: my_blog_series
bulma-clean-theme jekyll blog


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Creating a post series
Creating a post series

From version 0.12, you can now make a post a part of a series of posts, linking to the other posts in the series, by creating a series data file and then setting the series in each of the post’s front matter.

Creating a docs site with Bulma Clean Theme
Creating a docs site with Bulma Clean Theme

I created Bulma Clean Theme as a theme for my own website and decided to open source it so others could use it as well. One of the key things I wanted to do was to create a theme that worked with GitHub Pages, which also means that you can also use it as a docs site for your project.